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why invest in stocks?
  JYang, Mar 23 2009

when govt is basically guaranteeing safe and good (prolly 10%+/yr) returns on toxic asset bonds. i'm going to start looking for these funds to park long term assets in right now.

this is just news this morning. american tax payers are getting raped as usual

I'm still heavily short S&P, Retailers, Banks, and REIT. looking to diversify on govt backed toxic asset funds backed by tax payer $

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conspiracy crap
  JYang, Mar 16 2009

i never believed in any conspiracy stuff but i been pretty up to date on economy and shit since i've been involved in the markets

im watching this unfold, a 1 world nation.. starting with giving more power to the world bank and stuff to rescue possibly all the defaulting nations. we're seeing the 1 world currency going to be introduced.

i sent PMs to tenbagger telling him that i been very bearish (think stocks will go down) since 730 mark on the S&P 500. today is a gigantic bull trap and my account is 100% short. my short positions has nothing to do with conspiracy theories as i never believe it in. i just start seeing a bit of evidence unfold. maybe the market will crash this week to spread panic to get world agree to get the world bank more power. thats just a wild guess.

but i has no clue if there's anything bad about a 1 world nation or a 1 world currency. i never watched alex jones crap tho i heard of it. maybe its problem for poorer people if we become some sort of police state..

just some random thoughts and ramblings.

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updates for me!
  JYang, Mar 11 2009

so far i been killing the markets kinda, posting triple digit returns ^_^

im up like 38k$ this month after took a sizable loss yday. going for a 6 digit month probably.

there's no real hhs or databases to track and i keep my p/l $ in an excel table lol. but i keep most of my bigger positions on and i been doing pretty damn well there in % wise.

i think we're going to bottom soon. but before we do that i have to take some more $ being on the bear side since im not that patient in letting some high probability shorts go away.

eitherway i think i'll be doing the buffett buy and hold pretty soon. when the bottom comes. right now i can argue we're in an intermediate top

i started to scout for buy and hold ideas since yesterday and will do more.

some ideas i have now. with decent chart formations and decent fundamentals

AKS - AK Steel
ANR - Alpha Natural Resources
PCR - Perlini
MET - Metlife
ENER - some solar company
VLO - has to do with oil refineries
CME - the futures exchange group
CAT - Caterpillar
BA - Boeing
CAM - Cameron International, oil company
GS - Goldman Sachs
CF - Cf industries, fertilizers
AAPL - Apple!

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